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cotton candy clouds


" Beers are like Cotton Candy Clouds  , " says  HellVira
my life , days, hours, minutes , seconds ,
they are expanding without alcohol, six  days and six  nights
It is really too much for me.
everything grows , everything seems to have no end .
life is too hard and long for my liking/licking time

the surgeon who will drop
his hands inside me tomorrow ..

I had the hair gathered on top of the small, narrow skull,
like a beaten egg white. beneath the thick top / black lashes,
eyelashes, my  eyes were closed, the eye light  /  shades of red,
as if the wrinkled skin,
greyish had paid drop of blood more. 
a glance , so cold,
empty as the white moon in the nights cold.

- Abstinence. - Eyes wide shut  as if I had closed a door to the world. 
  I seemed to be made of honey.
  a bunch of soft silk dresses.
  the language of a lost cat. 

I drink for boredom, so everything is very boring for my mind,
be an old tablecloth embroidered with bunches of fruit and birds
in bright colors, a book of prayers printed on rough paper,
like sheets of leaves, the songs. old as the moon
traveling in the sky, 

a never ending sea . 
I drink to be so distant as not to come back ever again.
i am an old toothless barracuda. 

Blood drips into the bowl of yellow rice  salad  ,  soft,
for your diseased gums.  but ,  your mouth tight , as you were back
in your   own body  again , which could not be reached
or touched by anyone ever .

" Your exactly like your father, " said my deadDreamedmother 
" You not only inherited his alcoholism, but also its idiocy,
small dick head. "
"ahaha hahaha "When  passed  in front of her  room and noticed  the body lying there,
her  stoned  face ,
- Then were the spots ,  giants black spots that swirled in front of the bed -
seemed to fluctuate, and later, looking from the door,
I saw she had her  eyes closed and imagined that she
had been transported
in the middle of despair 
until it was inside asleep cradled in oblivion ..

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